I am a senior 2d artist working for the video game developer Ludia inc..

With training in graphic design and fine arts, I started my career as a background painter in the animation industry. Since then, I worked as a concept artist, freelance illustrator and art director.

Here's the complete list of my clients and employers:

Ludia inc, Nvizzio Creations, Funcom Games, Blizzard Entertainment, PC Gamer, Les Productions Champion (The Triplets of Belleville), Les Éditions de la courte échelle, Les Éditions Québec Amérique, Les Éditions Glénat, CinéGroupe Animation, Cinar Animation, Oasis Animation, Carpe Diem Film & TV, Sardine Productions.

Email: monical.info@gmail.com

Download my resume here.  

Download the french version of my resume here.